Phone Numbers and Alpha Sender ID

The text messages that Air SMS sends have to come from someone, right? Yes!

By default, Air SMS will automatically select a phone number from our pool of phone numbers. We aim to select a phone number that is geographically close to your customer.

Customize who your messages come from with Global Sender

In addition to this, you can configure Global Sender in the Air SMS Settings. Global Sender allows you to use a short, customizable piece of text instead of a phone number for sending messages. This might be the name of your shop, for example.

Note that only some recipient countries allow this. Here's a quick sample:

  • Australia: ✅ Supported

  • United Kingdom: ✅ Supported

  • US/CA: ⛔ Unsupported

  • New Zealand: ⛔ Unsupported

Note that if you have Global Sender configured and your recipient is in an unsupported country, Air SMS will automatically fall back to using automatically selected phone numbers instead.

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